Newcastle Homes Responds to COVID19

Newcastle Homes Responds to COVID19

March 25, 2020

In an effort to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees, trade partners & homeowners we will remain open for business on an appointment-only basis through April 3rd.

Our Team is taking extra precautions and have increased our normal cleaning schedules at all of our Sales Centers in order to protect against the spread of the COVID 19 Virus. We are doing our best to sustain our team’s livelihood and continue to be open to serve the best we can.

By scheduling an appointment, you will have the undivided attention of our Sales Team during the appointment time. Our Team can thoroughly access your needs and offer options that make sense for your time frame and budget. With a new home under contract, you may take advantage of low interest rates and discuss rate lock options with your Mortgage Lender.

We will continue to monitor the situation in order to serve our potential homebuyers and current homeowners in the most safe way possible in the days ahead.

Thank you

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